Please see our responses to some common questions concerning adjustments for remote options as well as general inquiries.
What will the format of recruitment look like?
The details of the new model for Formal Recruitment will be announced soon.
Is there a fee to participate in recruitment? Why?
All PNMs participating in formal recruitment are required to pay a non-refundable fee of $85. This fee goes towards online platforms, used to hold recruitment, and Campus Director, used to organize recruitment registration and to facilitate the mutual selection process.
However, if the fee is a concern for you, we now offer a Panhellenic Recruitment Scholarship to cover the $85 recruitment application fee. This scholarship aims to make recruitment more accessible by supporting individuals from low-income backgrounds and underrepresented or marginalized groups. Twenty scholarships will be awarded, with preference given to those who are racial or ethnic minorities, LGBTQ+, first-generation college students, or individuals with disabilities. We encourage all interested applicants to apply. You can apply through this link. .
What if I have to miss part of recruitment?
Just let us know! There will be a form released along with recruitment registration which will allow you to notify us of conflicts. We will work with PNMs and their schedules for class conflicts, religious holidays, university athletic conflicts, and, at the recruitment team's discretion, "once-in-a-lifetimes" (family weddings, etc.)
Do I need recommendations?
Recommendations are NOT required for the recruitment process at UCLA!
A recommendation is a letter written about a potential new member by an alumna or active member of a sorority, depending on each chapter's rules. This letter introduces a PNM to active chapter members and tells them more about her personality, involvement, and character. You may wish to reach out to family and friends who are members of sororities and ask them if they are willing to write a recommendation for you, but this is by no means required to go through the recruitment process at UCLA. Each chapter has its own procedures for submitting recommendations, and they should be submitted directly to chapters based on their policies, which can usually be found on their chapter or international websites.
How do I know if my registration was received?
Once you submit your registration, you'll receive a confirmation email. If you don't receive the email, or if you have any questions, please email Ashton at recruitment@uclapanhellenic.com. If you'd like to make changes to your registration after you've submitted it, please log into Campus Director in order to make those edits.
What are the benefits of sorority membership?
The list is seemingly endless. Members gain a sense of belonging on campus, a support system, leadership skills, preparation for their future, confidence, self-knowledge, and personal development - not to mention a lifetime of sisterhood! Especially during these unusual and difficult times, being part of an uplifting community of women is more meaningful than ever.
What should I wear during recruitment?
Wear what you feel most comfortable in and what best expresses who you are! No dress code is enforced for PNMs, but feel free to ask your Rho Gamma for advice during recruitment this fall.
How do sorority dues work for new and initiated members?
Financial obligations vary from chapter to chapter, but typically, a new (uninitiated) member's dues will be highest during her first quarter or first year in her chapter, as there are often one-time ritual fees, national dues, and the like charged in that period. Afterward, dues will change based on if a member lives in her chapter's house, if it has one, or if she lives elsewhere. If a member lives in her chapter's house, her dues will usually include rent and meals.
In general, dues typically include some meals at the chapter house, if applicable; contributions for event planning (from social to sisterhood to philanthropy); professional and personal development workshops hosted by the chapter; and often more - because chapter finances vary, we strongly encourage PNMs to ask active members about finances during recruitment! Also, feel free to check out the Chapter Financial Information page on the website.
Am I eligible to participate in recruitment?
I'm an international student: Yes!
I identify as LGBTQ+: If you identify as female, yes!
I'm a nontraditional undergraduate student: If you're a regularly matriculated undergraduate student granted full-time status, yes!
I'm a UCLA Extension or graduate student: Sorry, only female-identifying students who are regularly matriculated undergraduate students granted full-time status at UCLA are eligible.
Will I have time for sorority membership alongside school and work?
Yes! One of the most valuable skills sorority membership will teach you is time management. Scholarship is one of the Panhellenic Council's core values, and as such, our chapters provide a variety of academic resources. Chapters encourage campus involvement, and sisters are often a great way to join clubs, find internships, and snag on-campus jobs.